Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eataholic Epiphany

I came to a point this morning while sitting at my 9-5 job where I started wondering, what the hell am I doing? I've hopped around trying to find a means of income where I enjoy to spend my time, but even after working for glamorous organizations with mucho money potential, I still dream of a day I can wake up and control my own calendar, pursue my own interests, and not deal with a corporate structure. Our 20s are supposed to prepare us for that, but having a hobby on the side is a great way to keep yourself happy in the meantime.

One thing that keeps me going in the office is browsing the internet daily for new things that are of interest to me, but one subject in particular has always brought excitement to my life; Food. No matter where I am, food is on my mind. My favorite thing about food is the conversation that comes with it, other than the taste (obviously). I could talk about food all day, and my friends can surely back me up on that. I can thank my family for my love for food because it has always been something that brings us together. Not to mention, my Uncle and Brother are both chefs, and I frequently helped my Mom in the kitchen growing up. Holidays, Birthdays, special events- you name it. The main question for these events has always been "What are we eating?" Even what to wear to these gatherings depends on the food that will be served (I will NEVER wear jeans to Thanksgiving. Only Maxi dresses or stretchy pants allowed). 

So 3 years after my last post, I am back where I started- pursuing an outlet online where I can share my love for food and maybe some good recipes for every kind of craving. Cooking has always been a hobby for me, so I hope some of my tricks make you as happy as it makes me! 

#Eataholics #nomnom

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